I LOVE steaks! But because of my weak stomach, which cannot stomach any form or uncooked food, the steaks that I eat must be VERY well-done! And therein lies the problem. Many cooks / chefs are puzzled about this. They will grill the steaks the way they feel should be done. Sometimes I wonder if they are paying for my steaks!!! I am the customer, I pay for the steaks, but I don't seem to get the steaks done in the way I need it to be done! I have been to a few steak places, such as Angus Steakhouse on the top level of Takashimaya (which reputedly serves excellent steak which I don't really think so! But that's my opinion), the ubiquitous Jack's Place (which in my opinion is ...
we'll just leave it as that), Outback Steakhouse, among others. None of them, and I repeat, NONE of them have been able to give me the steak well done in the way I like it and in a way that still retains it's natural fragrance.
Fine Cuts at Central basement is in my frank opinion AWESOME! It's cheaper than the rest, and your clothing will reek of oil (due to its poor ventilation) after your satisfying meal. So, it might be a good idea to go to this place just before heading home.
Fine Cuts serves Kobe beef, the American version. It used to have the Japanese version, since they are a first and foremost a supplier of meat to restaurants / hotels in Singapore. Anyway, they are the only ones that have been able to grill the Kobe beef in the way I like it - well done and absolutely heavenly. The fragrance, succulence and tenderness are retained even though it is well done. Absolutely delectable!
Of course, if you order the Kobe version, you might have to pay $60-$70-odd depending on its weight. If you ordered the non-Kobe versions, it will cost around $20-$40-odd, which is quite reasonable considering its size. I wouldn't recommend getting the set. The a-la-carte version is the REAL thing! Absolutely fantastic! But hey, that's my opinion!
Photo taken from http://yumyumformytumtum.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/p1000748.jpg |