A friend of mine took me to eat the roasted meat (i.e. "siu yoke" in Cantonese) from Che Lau Ban at 134
Casuarina Road (next door to Casuarina prata) near Peirce Reservoir two years ago. This friend is a roasted meat connoisseur; he LOVES his roasted meat. Well, his love for it infected me as well over time. As the chinese saying goes, 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 (
jin zhu zhe chi,
jin mo zhe hei to literally mean:
One who mixes with vermilion will turn red, one who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith; to figuratively mean: Good companions have good influence while bad ones have bad influence). Well, I grew to like roasted meat as a result of his enthusiasm and his constant sharing of his love for that meat.
One of his favourites is this stall at Casuarina Road, 车老板. The owner is an immigrant from Hong Kong, and I must say his roasted meat is always crispy, even at night! Most stalls' roasted meat becomes soft at night or if you take it home. But this stall's roasted meat stays crisp and crunchy even when we buy it back to accompany our red wine, during our RMRW (i.e. Red Meat Red Wine) gatherings. Very nice! Definitely worth a trip or two once in a while.
Picture taken from http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs193.snc3/20068_288092529237_689539237_3217768_7474934_n.jpg |
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